
January 31, 2015

34 weeks- Baby's the size of a head of Savoy Cabbage!

Things are coming together- crib and dresser are built, thanks to the hard work by Benjamin Bruce!  Baby moves a lot and some of the girls in my class FINALLY got to feel him move at school!  They've been asking every day- one little girl especially, who puts her hands on my belly every morning!  It was fun and they were really excited.  I've got everything lined up for my long term sub and I think she's going to be great!  Just 5 more weeks to go!

Next doctor's appointment- February 5


January 9, 2015

31 weeks- He's the size of a head of Romaine lettuce!

2 months until BABY TIME!

We had a good doctor's visit on Thursday; we had our sonogram appointment!  We were excited to see him again and things are looking good!  He weighs about 4 pounds, which the doctor says is in the 50th percentile, so we are right on track!  He still has some work to do to get his head down in the right position, so he already has some homework from Mom and Dad.  Still have appointments every 2 weeks this month and then weekly in February.  Our doctor scheduled another sonogram for 36 weeks to check his progress on moving down instead of sideways.  He moves all the time and I really feel him all over!!  His head is on my left side (and sometimes pushing under my ribs) and his feet are WAY over on my right side, halfway around my abdomen.  He likes to push around over there!

Next doctor's appointment- January 22


December 27, 2014

29 weeks- He's the size of a pineapple!!

Everything went well at the last doctor's appointment (December 23), still getting good reports about his heartbeat and my blood pressure, so yay! 

We've had a great Christmas visit here in Houston.  Sad that we weren't able to make it up to Kansas, but that drive would have been just too long and doctor recommended that we stay closer to home.  Headed back to Austin tomorrow.

Next doctor's appointment- January 8


December 9, 2014

27 weeks- Can't believe his due date is 3 MONTHS AWAY!!  Wow!

He moves around a lot, especially at night!!  It's definitely fun to feel all the pushes and kicks- some of them are pretty strong!  Things are still going well.  We found some good Black Friday deals on clothes and we bought the crib, too!  Hoping to make good use of Christmas break to put the furniture together and start getting everything ready!

Next doctor's appointment- December 11


November 15, 2014

23 weeks- baby's the size of a bunch of grapes!  It also says that his little face is fully-formed now- wow!

Still feeling great, having some lower back pain at the end of the day though.  We're headed out today to get a foam roller for me to use on my back and I've been trying to go on some walks as well.  I clocked my route out to "walkers" (we take the kids that walk home from school to a certain point off campus) and from my classroom door and back it's almost 9/10 of a mile!  So I do that every day in addition to walking to Specials, lunch, counselor, etc.  Trying not to waddle, but I go slower when my back hurts!

Next doctor's appointment- November 20


October 27, 2014

21 weeks- he's the size of a baby bok choy!!

We had our 20 week ultrasound last week and it went well.  Got to see all kinds of cool stuff- spinal cord, profile, nose and eyes and some CUTE little feet!

I definitely feel him moving around a lot!  Especially in the afternoons and evenings and when I'm sitting in certain positions- he's just trying to say hello!  Still can't feel it from the outside, so Ben will have to wait a bit longer to feel him.


October 2, 2014
17 weeks- Little Man is the size of a pomegranate!

Had the third doctor's appointment today and things are great!  Heard his heartbeat for the 2nd time; it was in the 150s per minute (ideal range is 110s-160s) and was easy to find.

My app says that around this time, the senses start to develop and that he can sense light!  It also says that his finger and toenails are starting to come in!  Weird!

Nothing else to report now- we are happy and healthy!

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